Saturday, June 20, 2009

Trying to get work done!

It's been a hectic two weeks in the Yam household since the school vacation started. I've been working on two bracelets (at the same time!) and I guess it took me a while to figure out it somehow takes twice as long to complete! Will try to post photos next week if all goes as planned.

Thank you for the orders that have been coming in. I'm happy to be kept creative and busy! Below are photos of some other necklaces I've made. Enjoy!

This is a 16-inch 49-strand stainless steel necklace embellished with a beautiful Swarovski rivoli cube. I used 6 rivolis, sizes 11 and 5 Japanese glass seed beads, and Swarovski bicones. First I had to capture each rivoli individually then sew them together into a cube. Stunning for evening wear.

This is a 19-inch four-sided necklace using an African technique. Definitely different looking and a choice of any colour palette to suit any occasion.

I made this 16-inch spiral rope necklace in two cool colours, green and blue with a silver flower pendant incorporated. Suitable for day and evening wear.