Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Thanks so much to those of you who contacted me the past two days and told me how much you love ALIZA!  I really appreciate your positive feedback especially since I worked really hard on it and know that others besides myself appreciate it.  Making a beaded embroidery collar is like drawing or painting a piece.  I may have a general idea where I want to go, but in between it's really up to Lady Inspiration and where my hands take me.  When the piece is completed, it may be totally different from what I envisioned it to be at the beginning!

Last night I started making some small beadwork pieces to make up the whole for my next embroidery collar but somehow the colours are not coming together as I would like.  I think I'll have to go to my suppliers tomorrow since I've customers visiting today.

In the meantime, have a great rest of the week!