It's been a nice week of work and I've been working on 3 projects all at the same time! Hopefully next week will be an equally good week, if not better and I can begin some new bracelet cuffs. Here are some photos of my week's work:
Here's PRINCESS, with her main body completed. I've already glued her to the ultrasuede and started on the edging which will probably take me through the weekend with so many activities going on. Will show you the completed necklace hopefully by Tuesday.
Last post I showed you two rows of beading. Here's the sunflower all completed. I'm still waiting for the brass cuffs to arrive from the US. It's taking forever!
Meantime, I experimented with an oval shape, smaller and fashioning her into a cocktail ring for myself! I think for the rings I sell, I will leave the peyote strip undone (like in the photo) and when a customer wants to buy it, I'll finish it to a perfect fit (5 minute job)!
So, while I go back to work and run my weekend activities, do have a great one and remember to relax and rest!
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