Thursday, April 22, 2010

Beadwork Embroidery Collar

This week I'm working on a new project.  In fact, I'll be working on several new projects the next few weeks so if I'm rather quiet, be assured I am actually working to bring you new items.  It's been a rather busy week for various reasons but here are a few photos of my new project...

Before I started, I looked through my stash of gemstone beads and decided on sandstone, agate, seashell, turquoise and Czech glass.  Then I drew out the design and glued the gemstones on my stiff backing.  I then painstakingly selected the tiny glass seed beads to complement the gemstones.  Sometimes the colours don't work the way I envision so I undo the whole lot and start all over again till I'm satisfied with the results.

I still had time to change my beads which I did.  This photo was taken 5 hours after I started the glueing process.

Here's the project 12 hours later!  Yes, it's very time consuming because I have to select the right colour and texture of glass beads to fit my design.  Bead embroidery is mostly free work which means to say there's no pattern to follow, just my hands and heart doing the work. 

Stayed tuned as I continue to work on this project (yet to be named).  I can't wait to complete it but I think the embroidery part will take another week or so.  I just ordered the ultrasuede backing for the necklace (cost me more than S$100 per yard!!) from the US so will have to wait for its arrival before I can complete the whole piece.